Magical blueprint


Magical blueprint

Magical Hydrangea, known for its resilient and color-changing hydrangeas for both indoor and outdoor use, has designed a unique print for its new merchandise line. Using the cyanotype technique—a unique photographic process—real Magical leaves and flower parts were incorporated.

Why cyanotype?

This technique, invented by a British scientist and better known as blueprint, aligns well with the branding of Magical Hydrangea. Both are rooted in natural beauty and color transformation. Magical Hydrangea flowers change color during their blooming period, with shades ranging from blue or pink to dark green and red. Cyanotype, with its cyan-blue prints, symbolically captures this transformation and creates a visual ode to these changes. By using this technique as the basis for its new pattern, Magical Hydrangea gives a unique and recognizable look to its refreshed merchandise line. Staying true to the brand's colors, the print features actual hydrangea flowers and green leaves as the foundation of the new pattern. This unique visual identity further strengthens the brand.

The cyanotype process in F I V E steps

1.    Mixing Ingredients: Two solutions are prepared separately: potassium ferricyanide and ferric ammonium citrate. These are mixed to form a light-sensitive solution.
2.    Applying the Solution: The mixed solution is applied to a porous surface, such as paper or fabric, in a dark room to avoid premature exposure to light. This allows the surface to fully dry.
3.    Exposure: The surface is covered. This is the moment when Magical flowers and leaves are added, and then exposed to sunlight.
4.    Rinsing and Developing: After exposure, the surface is rinsed with water. Non-exposed parts of the solution are washed away, while exposed parts form a blue iron complex that adheres permanently.
5.    Drying: The surface is dried, revealing the characteristic cyan-blue print.

Win a Magical Shop Activation

Magical plant fans and sellers are challenged to submit ideas and suggestions for a unique shop activation using a set of Magical gloves. The idea must uniquely stimulate sales. Visit our promotion page for the terms and to submit your idea.